April 2nd, 2008 by Nils
Strict Standards: call_user_func_array() expects parameter 1 to be a valid callback, non-static method xspf_player::inline_insert() should not be called statically in /www/htdocs/w007debd/wordpress/wp-includes/functions.php on line 1252
Strict Standards: Non-static method xspf_player::tag_split() should not be called statically in /www/htdocs/w007debd/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/xspf_player/xspf_player_class.php on line 1259
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Strict Standards: Non-static method xspf_player::tag() should not be called statically in /www/htdocs/w007debd/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/xspf_player/xspf_player_class.php on line 1263
Strict Standards: Non-static method xspf_player::saver() should not be called statically in /www/htdocs/w007debd/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/xspf_player/xspf_player_class.php on line 1265
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Strict Standards: Non-static method xspf_player::saver() should not be called statically in /www/htdocs/w007debd/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/xspf_player/xspf_player_class.php on line 1285
Deprecated: preg_replace(): The /e modifier is deprecated, use preg_replace_callback instead in /www/htdocs/w007debd/wordpress/wp-includes/functions-formatting.php on line 83
Deprecated: preg_replace(): The /e modifier is deprecated, use preg_replace_callback instead in /www/htdocs/w007debd/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/thumbnail-viewer/wp-thumbnailviewer.php on line 78
Strict Standards: call_user_func_array() expects parameter 1 to be a valid callback, non-static method xspf_player::inline_insert_after() should not be called statically in /www/htdocs/w007debd/wordpress/wp-includes/functions.php on line 1252
Strict Standards: Non-static method xspf_player::tag_split() should not be called statically in /www/htdocs/w007debd/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/xspf_player/xspf_player_class.php on line 1295
Strict Standards: Non-static method xspf_player::tag() should not be called statically in /www/htdocs/w007debd/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/xspf_player/xspf_player_class.php on line 86
Strict Standards: Non-static method xspf_player::saver() should not be called statically in /www/htdocs/w007debd/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/xspf_player/xspf_player_class.php on line 1298
Strict Standards: Non-static method xspf_player::tag_match() should not be called statically in /www/htdocs/w007debd/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/xspf_player/xspf_player_class.php on line 1303
Strict Standards: Non-static method xspf_player::tag() should not be called statically in /www/htdocs/w007debd/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/xspf_player/xspf_player_class.php on line 97
Gibt mal wieder ein paar sehr witzige Google-Eingaben, über die Leute auf diesen Blog gekommen sind. Den ganzen Hermaphroditen-Kram lass ich dabei mal außen vor. Hier die Highlights:
-”ich hab mir need for speed prostreet runtergeladen für xbox 360 und da ist keine deutche sprache”
-”28 weeks later helikopter szene realistisch”
-”homo faber film free download”
-”im bademantel zur schule kommen” (Gute Idee!)
-”nils muhs” (Insider )
-”norbert haug ficken” (Muahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah!)
Deprecated: preg_replace(): The /e modifier is deprecated, use preg_replace_callback instead in /www/htdocs/w007debd/wordpress/wp-includes/functions-formatting.php on line 83
A Propos Norbert Haug…
Hast du vergessen, dich aus StudiVZ auszuloggen?!? Oder ist das noch ein Aprilscherz?
Na, da wolln wir doch mal sehen, wieviel davon durch den Filter durchkommt…
Deprecated: preg_replace(): The /e modifier is deprecated, use preg_replace_callback instead in /www/htdocs/w007debd/wordpress/wp-includes/functions-formatting.php on line 83
Hehe, ne, eher umgekehrt: Das “Norbert Haug ficken” fand ich so herrlich absurd, dass ich das als Aufhänger einer Profil-Änderung genommen hab. Ich hab da seit längerer Zeit nur Mist drin stehen. Ich denk mir halt: Falls sich jemand wirklich interessiert, soll der gefälligst auf meine Homepage gehen
P.S.: Na, aus welchem Film kommt das Zitat?
Deprecated: preg_replace(): The /e modifier is deprecated, use preg_replace_callback instead in /www/htdocs/w007debd/wordpress/wp-includes/functions-formatting.php on line 83
Oha, ich will gar nicht wissen, was für kontextsensitive Werbung du da zu sehen bekommst… Aber wahrscheinlich hast dus wie jeder vernünftige Mensch abgeschaltet und sowieso einen Adblocker installiert…
Deprecated: preg_replace(): The /e modifier is deprecated, use preg_replace_callback instead in /www/htdocs/w007debd/wordpress/wp-includes/functions-formatting.php on line 83
Oh man Gödde warst du “eine” der Prostituierten im Hitler-Kostüm??
(♥♥♥Max Mosley♥♥♥)
Deprecated: preg_replace(): The /e modifier is deprecated, use preg_replace_callback instead in /www/htdocs/w007debd/wordpress/wp-includes/functions-formatting.php on line 83
Ähm…dazu möchte ich mich hier und jetzt nicht äußern….*räusper*